Еще в добивочку о Мэнселе и остальных.
Mind you, the best and most sensitive test driver in the world would be useless unless he were also a highly skilled, aggressive and intelligent racing driver. This is why Prost and Senna got the big bucks - they, more than anyone in this generation, combined the at¬tributes of test driver and racing driver into one man. Be¬tween the two of them they won 92 Grands Prix.
On the other hand, Mansell, World Champion, win-ningest Brit of all time and a less than brilliant devel¬opment driver, dominated CART - for one year. Some people can seemingly break the rules - but only with a very experienced team who employ a good develop¬ment driver (Andretti Sr. - awesome).
Mind you, the best and most sensitive test driver in the world would be useless unless he were also a highly skilled, aggressive and intelligent racing driver. This is why Prost and Senna got the big bucks - they, more than anyone in this generation, combined the at¬tributes of test driver and racing driver into one man. Be¬tween the two of them they won 92 Grands Prix.
On the other hand, Mansell, World Champion, win-ningest Brit of all time and a less than brilliant devel¬opment driver, dominated CART - for one year. Some people can seemingly break the rules - but only with a very experienced team who employ a good develop¬ment driver (Andretti Sr. - awesome).
