В следующем сезоне в Ф1 будет Себастьян Бюрдэ

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  • Ведьмедь
    • Jan 2005
    • 929

    В следующем сезоне в Ф1 будет Себастьян Бюрдэ


    Лучший действующий французский формульный пилот в следующем сезоне стартует в Ф1.
    Команда, конечно, не та, но показать свой класс он сможет даже в ней ИМХО.
    Ф1 - это гонки, где стартует 20 пилотов, а побеждает немец.
    Джимми Джонсон настолько крут, что есть ли на свете справедливость, нет ли на свете справедливости, - он всё равно чемпион.
  • Slavik
    Forza Ferrari
    • Jan 2005
    • 19908

    Феттель очень сильный соперник, имеющий больший опыт в Ф1.
    Хотя, надеюсь, Себ в любом случае усилит Ф1.
    Эта пара на порядок круче Спида и Льюцци.
    Штраф является результатом вмешательства McLaren в интеллектуальную собственность Ferrari. Такое вмешательство не было частью коммерческой деятельности McLaren или связанных с ней процессов. Законный сбор информации является коммерческой деятельностью, но незаконный сбор таковой не является.


    • sasa
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2004
      • 4649

      раз уж темку открыли, то вот интервью Бурде:

      Sébastien Bourdais will be joining the Toro Rosso team for the 2008 season. After three titles won in the Champ Car series, his goal of entering Formula One has finally been reached.

      The man from Le Mans has to concentrate on this week-end's race on the Elkhart Lake track in Wisconsin, but took the time to answer several questions regarding his newly-announced racing seat.

      Q: The contract is signed, we can imagine you are relieved?

      Sébastien BOURDAIS: "Finally it's done! You need results to get there. It took longer than expected, it took me several Champ Car seasons to show what I could do. But it's the beginning of a new adventure that I hope will be a long one."

      Q: Your F1 future seemed at a standstill and suddenly everything opened up. What happened?

      SB: "Nicolas (Todt, his agent) has good connections, notably with Gerhard Berger. He had the opportunity of convincing him. For years, we knocked on doors. We were close with Arrows in 2003, but the team disappeared during the summer. Honestly, late last year I did not believe in it anymore. But as is often the case, it's when you stop believing that things happen."

      Q: When did negotiations begin?

      SB: "Last year I confided to L’Équipe that I did not really believe in it anymore and a week later, Nicolas told me he had spoken with Gerhard Berger.
      He told me Toro Rosso was interested. Then there were tests in December and during the spring."

      Q: There was a lot of talk concerning those tests. What role did they play in the team's decision?

      SB: "They were curious before the tests, but those tests had to go well in order to convince them."

      Q: You will be driving a Formula One car next year. Is that a dream come true?

      SB: "It's a new adventure, nothing else. We can talk of a childhood dream. But since I've become a driver, it was no longer a dream but a career possibility. Dreams exist only when they are unattainable, so it was only a dream when I was a kid."

      Q: What do you think of the team you will be joining?

      SB: "The interest of this relationship is not to play in the bottom of the standings but to be regularly in the top ten. We will grow together. It's a challenge with a lot of work to be done. The team works a lot, they are well structured. It wants to grow."

      Q: And the car?

      SB: "The car is fighting to enter the second qualifying session, not for victory, but the car is not stagnating. The car has shown it has potential. There is however much work to be done, but there have been many technological advancements. In addition, this year the car arrived later than expected. They are therfore in catching-up mode."

      Q: What are your plans until then?

      SB: "I will concentrate on the end of the Champ Car season as it is obviously very important. The last Grand Prix will be in Phoenix on 2 December. Afterwards, I will be taking a few days off and then back to work."

      Q: As sole French driver, you will probably have a lot of media pressure. How will you deal with it?

      SB: "There is a lot of pressure in the United States also. The demand will be similar, I imagine, so I don't think it will be any more difficult than what I know now. And I'm not coming to F1 as if I were Michael Schumacher. There will be other drivers much more in demand than I will be."

      Q: What do you think of the current F1 season?

      SB: "It is one of the most disputed with four drivers able to win the title. It's a good fight. And then there's also the surrounding sports news. As soon as you're in sports' political domain, it takes enourmous proportions."

      Daniel BASTIEN © CAPSIS International
      Source AFP

      по русски есть здесь http://www.f1magazin.ru/news/f1_news/6837, но мне чета перевод не понравился

      PS я как-то попустила, что у него менеджер Николя Тодт
      Michael was able to get things from his car that others can not Alonso

      Молодое поколение гонщиков выросло в картинге, у машины Формулы 1 гораздо больше мощность, но иных отличий немного. Михаэль Шумахер

      настоящий автоспорт - это к а р т и н г, все остальное - пиар karting-tv.ru


      • федя картошкин
        вне зачета
        • Mar 2007
        • 3094

        Сообщение от Slavik Посмотреть сообщение
        Феттель очень сильный соперник, имеющий больший опыт в Ф1.
        Хотя, надеюсь, Себ в любом случае усилит Ф1.
        Эта пара на порядок круче Спида и Льюцци.
        Не факт. Староват он. Пока вкатитца - уже на пенсию пора будет. Да и годы гонок на ведрах даром не проходят.
        Не надо называть народом тех, кто сидит в интернете. ...в Рунете - сплошь хамы и сумасшедшие. Михалков Н.С.


        • Ведьмедь
          • Jan 2005
          • 929

          Сообщение от федя картошкин Посмотреть сообщение
          Не факт. Староват он. Пока вкатитца - уже на пенсию пора будет. Да и годы гонок на ведрах даром не проходят.
          До этого вкатывался он быстро.
          Да и староват Бюрдэ только с точки зрения маркетинга или тому подобных сторон, а физически ничего лет до 40, а то и больше гоняться в Ф1 не мешает.
          Да и пусть чампкары - моноформула, но машины там далеко не вёдра (по скорости на автодромах где-то как Ф1 в 99-м), быстрее их только машины Ф1.
          Ф1 - это гонки, где стартует 20 пилотов, а побеждает немец.
          Джимми Джонсон настолько крут, что есть ли на свете справедливость, нет ли на свете справедливости, - он всё равно чемпион.

